Thursday, March 1, 2012


For those of you who do not already know me, my name is Cassie and I am newly the mother to the greatest little boy that God has ever created (I am allowed to be completely bias).

Anyways, I am creating this blog mostly for my friends and family to keep updated with the going ons of Nick and I's life at home. my husband currently works out of town and sadly does not get to spend as much time with his son and I as we would like. I want him to feel like he is not missing anything, so therefore I am going to work on updating this blog with all of the adorable things that our amazing son does each day.

Now for those who are not familiar with our little family, Ron (my fabulous husband) and I have been married for about two and a half years, but have known each other for close to six years. My husband is a medically retired veteren who recently became a mail carrier. I am extremely proud of him and am thankful for all of the wonderful things that he does to make care of our son and I.

I am a almost 22 year old stay at home mom who hopes to someday go back to school to be an X-ray tech.

Now on to the most important star of this show...

Nicholas Joshua Craig was born on December 13th 2011 (on his aunt Sheila's birthday).
He was 7 lbs 8 oz and 20 3/4 ins. He was the most beautiful thing that I have ever laid eyes on.

He looked just like his daddy, and is just as stubborn, loud and sweet as him too.

Nick is now about 12 weeks old and looks even more like his dad

So like I said this is just the beginning of the adventures that I am sure we are going to go on.

Until next time!